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Stober Scholars

Established in September 2020, the Stober family committed $1 million over five years to support student scholarships, research and community health initiatives at UBC’s Okanagan campus. More than half of this generous gift has been matched by Aspire, creating a total of $1.9M of opportunities for students. The Stober Foundation Fund will help accelerate research and training in areas related to health and exercise science and further assist countless talented undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students reach their potential. An important element of this gift is an endowment created to honor the memory of Dr. Chris Willie, UBC Okanagan’s first PhD graduate in the School of Health and Exercise Sciences, a scientist, teacher and mentor who left our community far too soon.

About the Donor

Stober Foundation

The Stober Foundation is a private foundation based in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. After achieving success in the development and construction sectors in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, Albert and Sandra Stober established the foundation in order to support local, national, and international charitable efforts that strive to improve the lives of those in need.

In recent years, the foundation has evolved dramatically and now supports charitable initiatives from around the world while staying true to the community that has helped it thrive. As such, it actively engages and supports charities with creative, innovative, and most importantly, sustainable approaches to issues within the communities they serve.

The foundation is dedicated to partnering with local, national, and international charitable initiatives that are progressive and sustainable in nature when it comes to creating solutions and opportunities in mental health, medicine, continuing education, and technology. They are passionate about giving back to a community that has given so much to us and remain focused on the work that has guided them from the beginning: community development, faith, humanitarian efforts, and innovation.

Thank You Messages

I would like to extend my gratitude again to the Stober Foundation Family for the recognition and prize.

Fredrich Yooku Anson

As an international student from Mexico studying business management, receiving the Stober Family Foundation Award has eased the financial burden of my studies, allowing me to focus on my academic and extracurricular pursuits. It also fills me with pride and a sense of accomplishment to be one of the few selected based on merit. I am extremely grateful to the Stober Family Foundation for this generous support, which inspires me to bring positive change to both my home country and the broader community. Thank you for making a meaningful impact on my educational journey and the community.

Daniel Lopez Delgado Falcon

My name is Daniel MacCallum, I grew up in a small town in rural New Brunswick. As an avid runner and fitness junkie I began to field many questions about exercise from students. I decided that I should take this seriously and satisfy some deep curiosities within myself about exercise science and human physiology. Throughout my degree I have developed a passion for discovering human physiology especially as it relates to exercise induced adaptations. It has been such an incredible experience so far working in Dr Rob Shave’s cardiovascular physiology lab observing cardiovascular changes to ultra endurance training. This funding has helped me to stay in Kelowna for the summer to explore a passion for human physiology that has been developing within me and expand my understanding of what I can do with my degree. From this experience I am now planning to pursue a master’s and PHD human physiology in research after completing my undergrad, which is something I never pictured for myself, but am excited about. I hope to one day teach this type of content at a college or university. Thank you Dan.

Daniel MacCallum

I would like to thank the Stober Family Foundation for making it possible for me to pursue this incredible opportunity. This allows me to travel to the other side of the world and contribute to research that matters while furthering my academic experience. I greatly appreciate having this unique and invaluable experience working with those at the top of their fields, all made possible by the Stober Family Foundation’s generosity.

Aliya Mottus

I would like to thank the Stober Foundation for providing me the opportunity to gain research experience as an undergraduate student at UBCO. Getting the opportunity to learn practical skills in a lab focused on health research in our community will help me to succeed in my future studies and career.

Raj Ahluwalia-Pullam

I want to thank the Stober Foundation for their generous donation to me and other students interested in research that will facilitate us giving back to the community. I am a third-year student at the University of Regina studying Human Kinetics, and this funding has allowed me to gain new experiences and learn outside of textbooks and classrooms to help me determine my future career path in healthy living and fitness. Thanks to the Stober Foundation, my time at the University of British Columbia Okanagan will guide me toward an occupation I am passionate about, and I am beyond grateful for this opportunity.

Madison Sagert

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible opportunity provided to me by the STOBER Family Foundation through the Stober Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship. The Stober Foundation’s generosity has enabled me to immerse myself in innovative research at UBC Okanagan, an experience that will undoubtedly shape my academic and professional future. I am sincerely thankful for this opportunity to broaden my intellectual horizons and gain invaluable research experience, which has laid a solid foundation for my future pursuits and inspired me to pursue excellence in all my academic endeavors. Thank you once again to the STOBER Family Foundation for your support and commitment to fostering the next generation of researchers and innovators.

Leah Kinahan

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude towards the STOBER family foundation as they have provided me with the opportunity to be involved in the incredible research happening here at UBC Okanagan. My experiences as a Stober Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship recipient will no doubt act as a major stepping stone as I work my way towards my dreams, and for that I am forever grateful.

Paige Reekie

I am so grateful to have received the Stober Foundation Entrance Award in Medicine. Your generosity and support have had a significant impact on my education and experience in medical school. Thank you!

Emily Simpson

I truly wanted to thank the Stober Family because without receiving this award, it is highly likely that I would be unable to attend UBC Okanagan and would have had to stay in Ontario. I have 2 siblings and my parents have their own business so they are unable to assist in all my financial needs. Because I am from Ontario the traveling, residence and meal costs are very expensive so it would have been too much of a financial burden to attend school here but thanks to this scholarship I fortunately can. I am extremely grateful to the Stober family for choosing me to have this award and I can't stress how lucky I feel to be able to attend my dream university and program here at UBC Okanagan. Thank you so much and I look forward to what is to come this year!

Miah Jensen

I am extremely grateful to have received the Stober Foundation Entrance Award in Medicine. Ever since I was young I have had the desire to pursue medicine and it is with the support of amazing donors such as the Stober Foundation that have allowed this dream to become a reality. The financial support of this award has allowed me to seek out experiences to enrich my medical school education that I otherwise might not have been able to partake in. Thank you!

Lauren Eggenberger

I am profoundly grateful for the invaluable support of the Stober Foundation for funding my undergraduate research project. The generosity of the Stober Foundation has not only made my academic aspirations a reality but has also empowered me to delve into the realm of knowledge and innovation. The belief that the Stober Foundation has in the UBC Okanagan undergraduate student body has inspired me to strive for excellence and I am deeply thankful for the opportunities the Stober Research Fund has afforded me. I am committed to utilizing the knowledge gained from this experience to make a positive impact in our community and continue my pursuit of scientific advancement. This contribution has set the footing for a promising future in research and academia, and for that, I am forever thankful.

Spencer Ursel

I am profoundly grateful to the Stober Family due to their immense generosity and support to students. The Stober Foundation Undergraduate Entrance Award in Human Kinetics continues to be significant help throughout my degree and motivates me to sharpen my focus to be the most successful possible. I am passionate of the content I continue to learn and I am excited to pursue Physiotherapy after I finish my bachelors degree.

William Rodriguez

I am immensely grateful for the support provided by the Stober Foundation, whose generosity is inspiring. Not only does their support allow me to focus on my studies, it also helps me remember that people are rooting for me. I can't thank the Stober Foundation enough for their contributions to my education as well as the community!

Alexis Guidi

Thank you so much! It has made such a difference to have your financial support during medical school.

Sophie Jansen

I grew up on a small family farm in Lumby in the North Okanagan. I was homeschooled for 8 years and then went to public school from Grade 9 to grade 12. I graduated with honors as valedictorian.I have always had a passion for physics and math and I have decided to study Mechanical Engineering at UBC Okanagan. UBCO is close to where I live and it is such a blessing to have this wealth of knowledge so readily accessible right near my home. I really enjoy lectures, it's amazing how interesting and engaging all the professors are! I would like to thank The Stober Foundation, for making it possible for me to enjoy the quality education UBC has to offer. Without you this would not have been possible.

Isaac Richman

I want to wholeheartedly thank the Stober Family Foundation for the Stober Foundation Entrance Award in Medicine. I feel incredibly honoured to be receiving this scholarship. I am so impressed by the Stober Foundation’s thoughtfulness and generosity; the support that the Stober foundation provides to students and communities has an incredible impact. This award will cover a significant portion of my training costs and will allow me to focus more energy on learning and growing into the best possible physician I can be for my future patients.

Jaya Kailley

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