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Learn moreEndowments provide ongoing support for UBC programs and students. When you create an endowment, your gift is invested for the long term and the annual interest from your gift is distributed according to the terms you have established. These terms are captured in the Endowment Trust Agreement, which is signed by you and the president of UBC.
Endowment donors create meaningful legacies, and provide stable, dependable support for scholarships, bursaries, professorships, chairs, student programs, research programs, teaching support and more. Endowments help to transform the university and build a strong foundation for the present and the future.
You may create a new endowment in any faculty, school, department or program at UBC. This fund will be named for you, or you can choose to name your endowment in honour or in memory of a family member, friend, organization or colleague. UBC’s endowment is invested under its Responsible Investment Policy and is governed in accordance with UBC Endowment Policy and managed by UBC Investment Management (UBCIM), the university’s investment company. UBCIM selects well established and performance-leading external fund managers and has a well-diversified portfolio. For more information about the endowment and its investment, please visit the endowment governance page.
Every year, the university provides a summary report for each endowed fund to the designated donor contact. It includes information on the impact that endowments are providing to our students, faculty members, programs and the community. The report also details the financial activity in the endowment account for the previous fiscal year. Further information is provided below on endowment performance and management.