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Dr. David F Hardwick

$18,830.00 (raised so far)

About Dr. David F Hardwick

Dr. David F. Hardwick, MD’57, LLD’01, was a long-standing and beloved member of the UBC Faculty of Medicine, as a student, a professor, a leader and an advisor.

He was passionate about ensuring medical students had access to social and recreational space to build community and belonging among emerging doctors. Due to his passion and perseverance over years, the Medical Student and Alumni Centre (MSAC) has become a hub of all types of medical student activities after being first envisioned in 1983 with a group of students, fundraising throughout the 1980s, and opening near Vancouver General Hospital in 1990. In more recent years, he continued to be a fierce advocate for student wellbeing and engaged with students, alumni and leadership in the Faculty’s distributed sites in Victoria, Kelowna and Prince George to ensure students, residents, alumni, faculty and staff in those regions also had access to congregation space. The MSAC in Vancouver was expanded twice (in 1996 and 2004) and MSAC’s in Victoria and Prince George were opened in 2014 and 2017. Dr. Hardwick hoped to continue growing the interconnectedness between students across the distributed sites and expanding the MSAC’s to allow for more social and recreational activities.

The impact of your support

Donations to the David F. Hardwick Memorial Fund will ensure Dr. Hardwick’s vision lives on and medical students continue to benefit from his efforts.

Messages of Remembrance

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  • David was an enduring inspiration as a colleague and purveyor of wisdom from many fields. He was truly a renaissance man. His contributions over many years to the BC Children's Hospital and its Research Institute were incomparable!

    Stuart MacLeod, former colleague @ BCCH
  • A truly remarkable man who left his imprint on generations of medical students. I always looked forward to Dr. Hardwick's lectures, and his dedication to both the art and the science of medicine was an inspiration to us all. My condolences to his family and loved ones; may Dr. Hardwick's far-reaching legacy and your memories of this unforgettable man bring comfort to each of you.

    Dr. Jennifer Lush, former medical student
  • Who could forget the story about his uncle and pancreatitis?

    Jan Jaap Bijlsma, MD 94
  • After I graduated, when and where I would least expect it, his smiling face would appear from behind a pillar in places such as Granville Island or the San Francisco airport. He would say, “Remember Pathology! Come and check out the residency program” Best medical advice he ever gave. 😊 He will be missed😢 David

    David Chercover, MD 78, Resident & Pathologist
  • David was my much loved first cousin who was there for me from teenage through my life with guidance, support, acceptance and caring. He imbued my life with much humour and laughter. We had enjoyed some time together at Keats doing projects which reminded of my childhood. I had the honour of spending significant time with David over the last few months where we shared many intimate conversations that have enlightened my life. Undoubtedly, he will be enormously missed by many and particularly his loving family. God bless you, David. MaryLynn Hyndman first cousin

    MaryLynn Hyndman , First cousin
  • I had the honour and pleasure of working closely with Dr. Hardwick for almost 20 years. How we loved the MSAC and all the medical students! He gave all he could to them, and inspired me to do the same. He was always kind and treated me as an equal though his understanding and vocabulary far exceeded mine. When we created his bronze statute now at MSAC, I instructed the sculptor to extend the right hand in welcome. It made the statue interactive, something Dr. Hardwick would appreciate. Yet it was mischievous, since Dr. Hardwick rarely shook hands, opting for the last second flip-over. I’m glad that visitors to MSAC can shake the hand of this great man. Nancy Thompson Nancy.anywhere@gmail.com

    Nancy Thompson, Employee
  • I first met Dr. Hardwick when both my girlfriend at the time (now wife) and I, had volunteered as UBC bachelor of science students to play the role of Casino Roulette dealers for one night at a glitzy MAA event. We were both awe struck and nervous attending the event, but both of our fears quickly dissipated when a hand came out to shake my hand... and you all know how this story goes :) Gracious, accepting, charming, empathetic, clever, disarming, true to his word. This is how I will remember this man, who helped shape countless students journeys through UBC Medicine undergraduate and post graduate studies. Dr. Hardwick was larger than life. If UBC Medicine had a soul, it was embodied in the form of Dr. Hardwick. A little part of all of us was lost with his passing. My deepest heartfelt condolences to his family and loved one.

    Roop Randhawa, Medical Student/ Resident/ Friend
  • I have very fond memories of Dr Hardwick. Once on a flight the pilot asked “if there is a doctor on board, please identify yourself “.I got up from my seat at the rear of the plane and made my way forward, only to find Dr Hardwick leaning over to talk to a rather anxious-looking young woman. He turned to see me coming and breathed a sigh of relief. He said something to the effect of “ Wonderful. I will let you take over. Hopefully you will not need my services today because, as a pathologist, that would be the worst case scenario!”

    Paula Aiken nee Levy, Former student, Medicine 1988
  • DFH - a giant in and outside of Medicine and one of UBC's home grown. A legend and the heart of the school with Bill Webber and Chuck Slonecker. Was honored to learn at his knee and to work along side to fund raise for MSAC - so lucky that our respective names are preserved for the ages on the courtyard cairn. Learned so much that I apply to this very day - in his won words "I am not a healthcare worker, but a physician that practices the arts of medicine!" As they say in Orthopaedic Oncology - only God and the pathologist know! I picture DFH - bow tie and all - sitting in a big wing back char, fireside, chatting with the creator!! Thank you is so little to capture the gratitude for all that you did for countless of us. Fondly, Ian

    Ian D. Dickey, MD, FRCSC, Student 1992-96
  • As a UBC medical student in the summer of 1975 , there was a 2 month summer program for rural medical experience offered and I was fortunate to get a spot in Surrey (in those days considered rural) with a real character of a GP Dr Barry Flather. Now as it turned out Dr Barry Flather and Dr David Harwick were UBC Medical Class buddies. Dr Flather decided it would a great opportunity to have Dr Harwick and his wife to come out to Surrey for dinner with Dr Flather's and his new UBC medical student and his wife. So there I was the lowly medical student, wondering how this was going go, dining with my Pathology Professor / teacher and my Rural GP mentor. I learned many interesting stories that night and fun was had by all. As I got to know Dr Hardwick in my UBC Faculty role later , the Surrey dinner was never discussed but I hope it was remembered. Cheers and raise a glass to Dr David Hardwick Sincerely Dr Doug Wilson UBC class '77

    Dr Doug Wilson, Medical student to Professor
  • I think most of us could tell anecdotes about Dr. Hardwick for days. I remember the bow ties which were untied from around his neck by the end of the lecture. There were of course his uncles he always mentioned and his irreverence in general. I remember on my final path oral being told to “stop BSing (not what he said) and tell us what it is and why you think that.”

    Brian Knight, Former Student
  • Dr Hardwick was an ever-present support for medical students during my education. He was pleasant, available, and kind. Class of '94

    Dr. Louise Young, medical student
  • He was a truly remarkable and unique and exceptional human bein g. A doer yet humble and would go out of his way to give guidance and tangible assistance. He was crucial to my endeavor to advance the Division of Neurosurgery at UBC. His advice was a bedrock for moving forward and making progress. He also never failed to manifest an endearing sense of wit and humor. His contribution to the Faculty and especially to the students are gargantuan! RIP, good soldier! A very respectful Felix Durity

    Felix Augustus Durity, A student and then a colleague
  • David was one of the most important and influential mentors of my life. I subsequently realized that he saw in me that which I had not yet seen. He gently and not so gently supported my emergence in ways that meaningfully shaped the life I’m now living. He was one of the most intelligent people I have ever known and his capacity as a “benevolent social manipulator” has informed and guided me on many occasions over more than 35 years. Notwithstanding his moments of outrageous commentary, he prided himself on being “stealthful” when it came to getting good things done, a modelling which I have taken to heart. There are so many pearls of wisdom that he generously passed along to me and which I continue to hear often as his voice in my head. His most recent, during a Zoom call a few months ago, pertained to a very challenging situation of conflict I was seeking his advice about. He assessed my predicament with his usual efficiency and offered: “You don’t take a ping-pong paddle to a baseball game”. As you can imagine, my approach to the situation has changed. I cared deeply about David Hardwick and I felt deeply cared for by him. He was a good man who had an immense understanding of how things actually get done, and he applied that understanding with remarkable zeal, effectiveness and most importantly heart. He demonstrated resolve and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. He was always seeking the truth and a better way forward. He was the kind of person that caring, civilized societies are built upon. Although at this moment David my grief is real at your passing, the overwhelming feeling is one of immense gratitude for the man you were and the gifts you gave to me, and so many others. Rest in peace friend…. yours has been a life well lived.

    Peter Mortifee, Student, mentee, friend
  • David was a favourite professor when I was a UBC medical student 1965-69. When we became faculty colleagues, he was a wonderful mentor who encouraged and supported me to pursue leadership opportunities. He was a visionary, I remember sitting beside him at a Department Chairs' dinner soon after my appointment as Head of Family Practice - he asked me about my long-range plan for the department and I proudly described my 5 year vision. His reply: no, what is your 20-year vision?

    Carol Herbert, Student, colleague, mentee, and friend
  • David had a great sense of humour. For example, I remember that he always referred to the statue of him in the UBC Medical Student & Alumni Centre as his "erection". I will miss him as he was a great mentor of mine.

    Paul Rennie, Friend and faculty
  • Not only did he give great lectures, with his trademark colourful bow tie usually being tugged free at some point, but he gave us great career guidance as well. We always looked forward to his lectures, and his presence at med school social events.

    Lawrie Fawcett, Student - Med 82
  • Let us not forget the David Hardwick Reading Room Endowment set up in 2002 his honour, at the BC Children's Hospital Research Institute and the C+W hospital. Many medical students working at the C+W will benefit or have benefitted from these funds over the past many years. Personally, I will miss his cute clean little jokes and the great bowties!

    Diana Pengelley, Colleague
  • I was sad to learn that my Mum’s cousin David Hardwick has passed away. He was a tall, punning, bowtied, international pathologist looming over family gatherings of my childhood. I knew he was a big deal at UBC and at the hospital and knew a great deal about disease and illness and education and science. What I was most impressed with however was that he could sit down at the piano and play silly show tunes with no sheet music, having taught himself early to play by ear. At Keats Island in their cottage overlooking the little cove, the music rang out over the sea. Like many Hardwicks, he was an educator to the core. He will be missed. Thinking of Margaret and her family.

    Maya Russell, Second Cousin
  • Reading the impact my Papa had on so many people has been such a gift in this tricky time. He was an absolute character and had a tendency to always be lecturing (even at places like Christmas dinner) so I'm not surprised he was such a well loved professor. Thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences with him. They all brought a smile to my face.

    Nicola Hardwick, Granddaughter
  • An accomplished true visionary for better teaching and practice of pathology locally and globally. We owe him a significant debt of gratitude. And he had fun doing that and sharing the fun with others - a remarkable achievement. He is missed.

    Virginia Baldwin, Colleague and friend
  • Dr. Hardwick's passion for teaching and helping us to fully understand the concepts was outstanding. His humour added so much to the day and his passion for student well-being was exemplary. I feel honoured to have been part of the UBC Medicine tradition that Dr. Hardwick created. A life well lived.

    Carole Richford, Student, admirer
  • A great colleague and friend.

    Jim Dimmick, Colleague
  • Class of '79 - it's pretty hard to imagine a reunion without Dr. Hardwick - a constant cheery reminder of the "good old days". Mind you, one could never shake his hand - somehow he always did a switch that I couldn't follow... If he authored the pathology curriculum as described, then he build medical school for us - just about everything we did and learned followed those classes, I believe . Without them, I'd be back in undergraduate even now!!. I even remember some of them, 45 years later - and there's not much else I remember. He will be very sorely missed. Condolence to his family and all his many friends.

    Richard Merchant, student
List of Donors
All Donors
  • George Tseng MD

  • Dr. Ben Chew

  • Choinski Family

  • Hamed Umedaly

  • Anonymous Donation

  • Anonymous Donation

  • Ann Fenje & the Williams Family

  • Jacqueline Quandt

  • Stuart MacLeod

  • Jan Jaap Bijlsma

  • Don McKenzie

  • David Chercover

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