Happy belated 20th, Evan
I was lucky enough to spend three years of my life alongside Evan through our final years of high school. There wasn’t a single time I saw him not smiling. His warm-heartedness and humour would light up every single room he entered… My favourite memories with Evan always happened on stage or in the band room at school. I will always remember how during our concerts he would do everything he could to make me laugh while we were on stage performing… admittedly, it often worked… we would always get in trouble for talking during rehearsals (sorry Mr. Jones…) Our silly antics were just never ending. He was one of the smartest and most talented person I’ve ever met. And though I would never of admitted it then, he was a way better percussionist than I was and will ever be… I will be forever grateful for the time we were able to have together but I will miss you more than you could ever imagine Evan.
Evan's passion for chemistry was evident in every lesson, every lab and every discussion that was had. That spark in his eyes and that grin flashed when he had "Eureka" moments. During one particular class, Evan found inspiration in the history and development of the atom. He was absolutely amazed at how chemistry, physics and mathematics came together to complete the present day model. Evan stayed after class and said, "Wow, I never looked at the atom or chemistry in this manner. This is what I want to do, this is what I want to study. I am so excited!". So proud of you Evan - you fulfilled your dream of going to UBC. Your legacy will live on in all the students who will benefit from this memorial fund. Sadly missed but never forgotten.