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W. Wesley Pue

Messages of Remembrance

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Wes led the LLM seminar in 2004-05. I learnt a lot from the way Wes sent round a cache of ibooks each class for us to look at and the way in which he applauded students for testing out new ideas. Now I teach some of Wes' work in Melbourne, where students admire his understanding of the history of the legal profession in Australia. I really value having had Wes as my teacher.

Gabrielle Simm, Former LLM student
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Missing you still, Wes — a wonderful colleague and friend.

Susan B Boyd, Colleague and friend
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David Hannigan, Friend
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Reflections on Wes and his scholarship at the launch of "Lawyers' Empire: Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950", March 2016 (video link under Impact of your Support)

David Sugarman,
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Reflections on the launch of "Lawyers' Empire: Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950", March 2016 (watch video under Impact of your Support)

Harry Arthurs,
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It was always a privilege and inspiration to be in the presence of such a principled academic, brilliant scholar and fine human being. Here's a toast to Wes's friendship and continuing influence. Slainte Mhath,

John McLaren, Friend
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In July 2017, at our Canada's Legal Pasts conference in Calgary, I had a moment that stays with me. Wes, my long-time teacher, mentor and friend, his voice strong and familiar despite his struggles, commended an honours student of mine on the legal history project she had just presented on an episode in Calgary's history of alcohol regulation. I thought, "my cup runneth over."

Lyndsay Campbell,

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