Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law
The Allard School of Law has a relatively low tuition compared to many other Canadian law schools. While this might seem to be an advantage for access to legal education, our tuition places very real limitations on our ability to offer student financial aid. Prior to 2018, our needs-based funding fell short by half a million dollars annually. In 2017, a more realistic assessment policy for living costs meant our annual shortfall jumped to just over $1 million. As a result, we are less able to compete with other leading Canadian law schools which offer three to five times more bursary support than we can.
We see no more momentous opportunity to provide students with the resources they need than our 75th anniversary. With your support, we will raise $2 million for student financial aid with a particular focus on student bursaries. Your generosity will enable us to reach that goal in 2020 and to sustain that level of support for years to follow.
Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law