Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law
The cost of a law degree has increased exponentially since we attended law school, so today’s law students need our support more than ever. The annual tuition at law school is now $13,000; for us, in 1976, it was only $506!
Almost all of us graduates of Law 1976 were able to pay tuition fairly easily. In addition to our savings from summer jobs, most of us received some form of financial assistance, whether by scholarship grant, bursary or student loan.
Our Class Bursary fund stands at $5,000 as of September 2020, which yields an annual return of just $230 – very little for a law student in need. As a grad of Law 1976, please help increase our Class Bursary fund so it provides students with more support. If we can increase our Bursary fund by an additional $15,000, we will be able to increase the annual bursary awarded to a deserving law student to $800.
Please give generously to build our Class Bursary. A lump-sum donation of $500 or 10 equal monthly instalments of $50 would be very helpful. If you would like to make 10 monthly donations of $50, please contact Annual Giving at 604.827.4111 to set this up. If for any reason you cannot donate $500, any smaller gift will still make a difference.
Income tax receipts will be provided by UBC for all donations made.
Thank you for your anticipated generosity in helping make the Law 76 Bursary fund something we can be proud of!
Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law