Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law
Do you remember singing along to Bryan Adams and Parachute Club? How about watching Hill Street Blues and The Paper Chase (“You teach yourselves the law, but I train your minds. You come in here with a skull full of mush; you leave thinking like a lawyer.”)? In 1984 Apple released the first Macintosh computer and Gremlins, Ghostbusters, and The Karate Kid were blockbusters. Prince Harry was born in 1984, Ronald Reagan was in the White House, Brian Mulroney was elected Prime Minister and, most important of all, we graduated Law School!
The Class of 1984 Reunion Committee has already started thinking about our 40-Year Milestone Reunion and we want to celebrate this momentous occasion by continuing to increase the value of the Steven Volrich Memorial Bursary. Since establishment of the award in 1986, the Fund has distributed awards totaling $30,650, which have been life-changing for many recipients—especially since students with disabilities face challenges that could otherwise exclude them from law school.
The Steven Volrich Memorial Bursary was named for our Class of 1984 classmate, Steven Volrich, as a way to honour his courage when faced with terminal cancer. The Steven Volrich Memorial Bursary currently provides up to $3.650 in annual financial support to a student in need at the Allard School of Law, with preference given to students with disabilities. The Class of 1984 Reunion Committee would like to significantly increase the annual award amount—and we need your help and support to do it.
Please make a donation to the Steven Volrich Memorial Bursary. The easiest way to give is a small, automatic monthly donation. Some of your classmates have already pledged amounts ranging from $10 to $100 per month. We hope you will
join us so we can achieve widespread class participation. To further bolster this bursary, the campaign will continue up to and following the 2024 class reunion on June 1st. Thank you for your support!
Diane Bell, QC
Kathryn Ford
Anna Fung, QC
Anne Giardini, OC, OBC, QC
Sandy Hancock
Kelle Maag
Bill Macintosh
Bill McNaughton
John Mendes
Jackie Morris
George Mouzourakis
Jane Shackell, QC
Paula Third
Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law