Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law
The prevention of wrongful conviction is a fundamental challenge for any justice system. The fact is, sometimes it is very difficult to completely prevent. However, there is no better demonstration of the legal profession’s capacity for good than the freeing of innocent prisoners. Innocence organizations across North America have a great history of helping overturn wrongful convictions.
The UBC Innocence Project at the Peter A. Allard School of Law provides accessible and independent assistance with the post-conviction review process to those who have been convicted of a serious crime but maintain their innocence. The Project gives Allard School of Law students an opportunity to work with experienced and established lawyers to investigate cases of wrongful conviction, thereby learning about the frailties of the criminal justice system and gaining invaluable practical and educational experience.
Through the Project you have the opportunity to help provide a student with one of the most valuable experiences they will have at Allard School of Law.
It is in this office that the law comes alive for them. The law school provides the Project with space and funds the academic components of the program, but the investigative work would not be possible without donations. Your gift will go directly towards the costs of necessary investigative work, evidence testing and consultation with experts.
Make your donation today and you could help free an innocent prisoner, while igniting a passion for criminal law in our students.
Linda Foster (on leave)
Associate Director
Peter A. Allard School of Law